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Kiosk Tablet: Keonn

Wanted to develop an instant response system having contents stored in cloud. It is essential when a product is detected, the corresponding content appears on screen in less than one second and when customer interacts with the screen, related contents are displayed instantly.

Keonn is a manufacturer of RFID hardware and software products for different sectors, like retail, healthcare, libraries, industry, logistics, etc.

Keonn always works through partners, such as system integrator, solution providers, digital signage companies and sensory marketing companies. These partners combine Keonn products with other products, develop the software application suited to the needs of the end customer, and provide the installation, integration, and maintenance services.

The Problem

Retail industry is suffering from sales drop in business in more than two decades. They have been hit hard by a combination of problems on top of the squeeze on spending, including higher labour costs as a result of increases in the minimum wage, the shift to online shopping and rapidly changing spending patterns.

It is believed that the reasons for the loss of sales in retail are:

- Shoppers not receiving enough information about the items they are interested in
- Shoppers who take the wrong size of an item to a fitting room leave without buying for the lack of service.
- There are no systems for recommending matching items to shoppers

The problem is to develop an instant response system having contents stored in cloud. It is essential when a product is detected, the corresponding content appears on screen in less than one second and when customer interacts with the screen, related contents are displayed instantly.

The Solution

Keonn using the RFID system with Glory Star Tablets and their cloud based RFID systems to achieve a platform for smart recommendation system, smart fitting rooms and smart mirrors for retail stores. Our RFID tablets improve the customer shopping experience due to its easy interaction. Customers are able to get full information of the products by just simply putting the product tag on the RFID sensor. Further information can be developed in order to improve customer experience. After they install our RFID tablets, the number of customers actually increased. They satisfy the self-service provided by the RFID tablets.

Such RFID tablets can be used for other retail shop. It certainly benefits automation progress. Customers who shop at retail stores would be pleasing to enjoy e-service as it gives freedom and instant reaction.

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